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CODE BLUE: Schenectady County has declared Code Blue in effect Monday, March 24, 2025,  through Thursday, March 27, 2025, at 7:00 am, as temperatures are forecasted below freezing. View Code Blue Shelters

  • Temporary Assistance Programs

  • Temporary Assistance Programs

  • Temporary Assistance Programs

  • Temporary Assistance Programs

  • Temporary Assistance Programs

Health Care Assistance - Medicaid

How Can Medicaid Help?
Apply Today

The Medicaid unit at the Schenectady County Department of Social Services is responsible for determining eligibility for all Medical Assistance Programs to help individuals pay for their medical care or insurance premiums. You may be eligible for medical assistance if you meet income, resource, age, disability, and other requirements. 

How Can Medicaid Help?

If you are eligible, Medicaid can help you in several ways, depending on your specific healthcare needs and financial situation. Medicaid pays for the following: 

Physician Services
Clinic Services
Mental Health Services
Family Planning
Substance Abuse Treatment
X-Rays and Lab Tests
Medical and Health Insurance Premium

In-patient Care in Hospitals
Out-patient Care at Hospitals
Long-Term Home Health Care
Personal Care Aides
Skilled Nursing Home Care
Pharmacy Services
Non-emergency medical transportation

For a detailed list you may contact the Medicaid Helpline at 1-800-541-2831

With the implementation of the Affordable Health Care Act, pregnant women, infants and children, parent or caregiver relatives, and adults aged 19-64 must apply through the New York State of Health.


Apply Online



Who can apply through the Schenectady County Department of Social Services?

Individuals aged 65 and over, those who are certified disabled and seeking long-term care or Skilled Nursing Home Coverage, as well as children applying for Waiver services, must apply through Schenectady County DSS. Individuals applying for the Buy-In Program for Working People with Disabilities or the Medicare Savings Program must also apply through Schenectady County DSS.

In Person
797 Broadway, Schenectady, NY

By Mail
Department of Social Services
797 Broadway,
Schenectady, NY 12305

Assistance by Phone

Community Partners

Applications for Medicaid can be filed at several community-based organizations or with a facilitated enrollment group. 

Healthy Capital District Initiative (HCDI)

Catholic Charities

hospital icon

Ellis Hospital and Albany Med
The deputized worker program allows people who are hospitalized to apply for Medicaid at the facility.


Both the Application and Supplement A must be completed


Medicaid Recertification

Recertifications will be mailed out every year. If you move, please notify the New York State of Health or the Department of Social Services.