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CODE BLUE: Schenectady County has declared Code Blue in effect from Friday, February 7th, through Monday, February 10th at 7:00 am, as temperatures are forecasted below freezing.   View Code Blue Shelters

Glendale Home

The Glendale Home recognizes that each resident in our home has unique values, experiences, and desires. Our goal is to enhance the residents’ quality of life and treat each resident with the dignity and respect they deserve! Glendale Home provides caring, round the clock care in a homelike setting. Our staff is ready to ensure that you or your loved one receives the care they deserve. Thank you for considering Glendale Home for short term rehabilitation or long term care.

Visitation Guidelines

Glendale Home recognizes the stress that COVID-19 has brought on our residents and family members. 

It is our goal to offer visitation to all of our residents and family members in a safe and dignified manner.  While the guidelines set forth by the NYS Department of Health, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, and the Center for Disease Control (CDC) have eased, there is still guidance in place that visitors must follow.  If visitation should become limited at Glendale, the facility offers compassionate care visits for residents that meet those criteria.  

Please be advised the following guidelines set forth by the facility as required by the Department of Health must be adhered to.  Failure to follow the guidelines may result in revocation of your ability to visit. 

Thank you for assisting us to keep you, our residents and staff safe.


  • You are encouraged to test or test on your own before coming to the facility (e.g., within 2-3 days) however it is no longer necessary for Glendale to verify that visitors have a negative COVID-19 test before entering the facility.
  • To keep you and your loved one safe, upon arrival for your visit, you will be required to: 
    • Enter only through the main entrance.
    • Use alcohol-based hand sanitizer upon entering the lobby and throughout your visit.
    • Wear a disposable face mask that covers both your mouth and nose at all times (no cloth masks, bandanas, scarfs, or neck warmers are allowed.
    • Maintain social distancing of at least 6 feet from other visitor groups.
    • Avoid wandering in other areas of the building, during outbreak only.     
    • Please observe coughing etiquette (cough into elbow or tissue, discard tissue, then wash hands with soap & water or use hand sanitizer).
  • Visitors must sign-in and sign-out of the visitor guest book.
  • You will be given a sticker upon entry and are required to wear it for the duration of your visit.
  • If you are aware that you are positive or had a recent exposure it is highly recommended that you defer non-urgent, in-person visitation until you meet Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) criteria for healthcare settings to end isolation.
  • If you have had close contact with someone with COVID-19 infection, it is safest to defer non-urgent, in-person visitation until 10 days after your close contact, and meet criteria described in CDC healthcare guidance (e.g., cannot wear source control)
  • If your loved one is on transmission-based precautions or the facility is in an outbreak, you are allowed visitation but must be aware of the increased risk of contracting COVID-19 and you will be given instructions on the precautions to take during your visit.
  • If after a visit you receive a positive COVID test result, we ask that you notify the facility as soon as possible.
  • We strongly encourage you to be vaccinated.


Glendale Visitation Plan

Upcoming Activities at Glendale

It's fun and games at Glendale! Our residents have a wide variety of fun activities, games, and special events to enjoy, such as arts and crafts, music, pet visits, chair exercises, gardening, porch visits, men's groups, tea parties, and much more.

View & Print the Monthly Activities Calendar



Glendale Home Medicare Rating


COVID Case Counts (Updated Daily)

