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CODE BLUE: Schenectady County has declared Code Blue in effect Friday, March 21, 2025,  through Monday, March 24, 2025, at 7:00 am, as temperatures are forecasted below freezing. View Code Blue Shelters


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Phone: (518) 388-4233 ext. 4171

Schenectady County envisions a workforce that mirrors the larger community and reflects our rich diversity of people and cultures. To achieve this goal, Schenectady County strongly endorses the use of Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action mechanisms to ensure equal opportunities for all employees, job applicants, and contract vendors.

Phone: (518) 399-0111

The Schenectady County airport is county-owned and was founded in 1927. It is home to the Stratton Air National Guard Base, Richmor Aviation, an Armed Forces Reserve Center, the Schenectady County Airport Business Park, Schenectady County Community College’s aviation and air traffic controller program, and the Empire State Aeroscience Museum.  Averaging 163 flight operations daily, the airport is well used by local residents, businesses, and others visiting the Capital District.

Phone: (518) 377-2469

We are a bipartisan agency responsible for all aspects of the electoral process, from voter registration to election results.  We are dedicated to providing the information and education needed by our residents to become effective and empowered voters.

Phone: (518) 388-4358

The Schenectady County Board of Ethics distributes and collects all mandated annual Financial Disclosure Statements as required by state and county local law. Reporting officials and employees are those who have fiduciary responsibilities within Schenectady County Agencies. They include, but are not limited to, elected officials, agency heads and their deputies, policy makers, and employees who have discretionary authority.The Schenectady County Board of Ethics reviews job descriptions of officers and employees, evaluate positions as they compare with other positions with similar responsibilities, to determine disclosure responsibility. At the request of an officer or employee involved, the Schenectady County Board of Ethics evaluates situations for possible ethical violations and improprieties and renders advice to officers and employees concerning these situations.

Phone: (518) 388-4736

The Schenectady County Children & Families Services Office is responsible for overseeing a wide range of programs and services for at-risk families and children. The aim of the department is to keep families together whenever possible within the community, to help the family survive as a unit, and to promote normal development and growth.

The goal for every child is a legally permanent home that gives a child a sense of safety, security and the opportunity to form healthy attachments to adults and a sense of belonging in a family. The office receives assistance from and collaborates with the court and legal networks, advocacy groups, home care providers, and other agencies to achieve these ends.

Phone: (518) 386-2824

Community Health Services is a division of Schenectady County Public Health Services. It has four programs: Communicable Disease, Emergency Preparedness, Office of Community Services, and the Medical Examiner. Community Health provides services to community residents for prevention, treatment, and reduction of diseases, planning, coordination of emergencies, and coordination of behavioral health and substance use services in the community.

Phone: (518) 388-4782

The Schenectady County Conflict Defender’s Office endeavors to provide quality legal representation in defense of the indigent criminally accused and indigent petitioners and respondents in Family Court.  The Conflict Defender's Office ensures that their legal rights are upheld without regard to economic or social situations and without regard to the nature of the accusation against them

Phone: (518) 356-7473

The Schenectady County Department of Consumer Affairs conducts consumer investigations, research and analysis; develops consumer education programs and materials to enable the consumer to make informed decisions; responds to consumer complaints; represents the interests of consumers and businesses by settling disputes through voluntary mediation; and protects consumers in the marketplace and the business community against economic losses resulting from unethical or illegal business practices.

The Schenectady County Bureau of Weights & Measures improves the accuracy of measurements, promotes fair competition, and facilitates economic growth and trade utilizing the most efficient, practical and cost effective approach while maintaining strict compliance with federal, state and local weights and measures law.

Phone: (518) 388-4220

The Office of County Clerk serves almost every citizen of Schenectady County, and although the office doesn't often make headlines, it touches and affects your life in many ways. County Clerks wear many different hats: Clerk of the Supreme and County Courts; Register of Deeds; County Commissioner of Motor Vehicles; County Filing Officer; Chief Notary and elected County Officer. We provide services that involve the Federal, State and Local government.


Welcome to Schenectady County Employee Self-Service! From here employees can upload relevant documents to the Human Resources department and obtain information and links to important information as it becomes available. 

Phone: 518-388-4250

Schenectady County has a bright future and a storied past. The Schenectady County Historian explores and shares the stories of yesterday to educate and inspire tomorrow's generation. 

Phone: (518) 388-4280

Schenectady County Government is comprised of an elected legislative body composed of 15 representatives elected to four-year terms from four distinct districts. The County Legislature determines all policy for the County and adopts and enacts resolutions and local laws necessary for the operation of County Government. The County Legislature holds a bi-annual organizational meeting where they elect a Chair and Vice-Chair from their membership. The Chair of the Legislature is the chief elected official for the County.

Phone: 518-388-4364

The District Attorney’s Office will endeavor to keep the people of Schenectady County safe by vigorously prosecuting those who commit crimes while safeguarding the rights of victims of crime and those who are accused of crime.


The Planning Department affects the lives of all Schenectady County residents by coordinating sound planning with local, state and federal agencies. The Planning Department has the ability to extend comprehensive services which encompass many aspects of planning, zoning, subdivision and environmental review, riverfront revitalization, transportation planning and traffic safety, recycling/solid waste planning, ground water protection, airport planning, agricultural protection and promotion and part and recreation development.

Phone: (518) 370-3113

The County Emergency Management Office is designated to provide the centralized coordination of all these management activities, including coordination of resources, manpower and services and the centralized direction of requests for assistance, during man-made and natural disasters.

Phone: 518-388-4233

This is a special section of the county website meant for employees of the county only.


Phone: (518) 356-5344

Primary areas of responsibility include: Highway Maintenance & Construction, Traffic & Transportation Analysis, Health Department Administration, Recreation Improvements, Environmental engineering and analysis and Aviation Engineering and support at the Schenectady County Airport.

Phone: (518) 386-2818

The Schenectady County Environmental Health Division protects public health through enforcement of State and local sanitary codes. The Unit uses inspections, surveillance, industry, and public education, and partnerships with NYS Department of Health and the healthcare community to fulfill its mission.

Phone: 518-388-4298

The Office of Facilities for Schenectady County provides professional engineering & project management for the design, construction, renovation, repair, and general upkeep to the County’s 32 leased and owned buildings.

Phone: (518) 386-2815

Family Health Services is a division of Schenectady County Public Health Services. Family Health provides essential services to residents, children and families throughout Schenectady County. Services include early intervention, nutrition assistance, breastfeeding/chestfeeding consultation, and family education and support. 


Phone: 518-388-4439

Welcome to Schenectady County’s Foster Care Program, where every child deserves a chance for a brighter tomorrow. Our community is seeking compassionate individuals and families ready to open their hearts and homes to children in need, especially older youth who thrive with the stability and love of a nurturing environment.

Phone: (518) 384-3600

The Glendale Home recognizes that each resident in our home has unique values, experiences, and desires. Our goal is to enhance the residents’ quality of life and treat each resident with the dignity and respect they deserve! Glendale Home provides caring, round the clock care in a homelike setting. Our staff is ready to ensure that you or your loved one receives the care they deserve. Thank you for considering Glendale Home for short term rehabilitation or long term care.

Phone: (518) 388-4233

Schenectady County Government’s goal is to create a workforce that is committed to public service and quality performance.  Schenectady County government is committed to creating a strong, diverse and inclusive workforce ready to serve the residents of Schenectady County.  The Schenectady County Human Resources Department strives to provide a comprehensive range of supports to our employees, to all levels of County government and to the municipalities that we serve.  The Department assists with benefit and policy administration; acts as the liaison on human resource matters; ensures county compliance with applicable state and federal laws; and provides employee professional development.

Phone: (518) 377-2982

The Schenectady County Human Rights Commission was established in 1965 to foster mutual respect and enhance understanding among all racial, religious and ethnic groups in Schenectady County, and to assist individuals in securing their legal rights. New York State Human Rights Law prohibits discrimination in: employment, housing, credit, places of public accommodation, volunteer firefighting, non-sectarian educational institutions based on age, creed, race, color, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, marital status, disability, military status, arrest record, conviction record, familial status and predisposing genetic characteristics.

Phone: (518) 388-4330

The Probation Department plays a significant role in both the criminal and juvenile justice systems, working towards safer communities. It is essential that we develop and maintain effective partnerships with the Courts and law enforcement agencies that serve the various jurisdictions within the County. These partnerships also need to extend to the myriad of community service agencies that share our commitment to improving our community. Our approach is to never compromise our core values while continuously pursuing our mission and vision of our department.

Phone: (518) 388-4331

The Public Defender’s Office represents indigent individuals in Criminal Court, Family Court, and County Court proceedings.

Phone: (518) 386-2810

Schenectady County Public Health supports, protects and improves the health of our community.

Phone: (518) 388-4240

The Purchasing Department is responsible for the procurement of materials, supplies, and services for all Schenectady County Departments with the objective of obtaining, in a timely manner, the best quality products and services for the best price or best value.  These goals are achieved in accordance with New York State General Municipal Law 103 and 104b and County Laws as applicable. 

Phone: (518) 388-4246

The Schenectady County Real Property Tax Service Agency, the Municipal Assessor(s) and Tax Collector(s) are not responsible for setting the tax rates for the municipalities or school districts. The budget adopted by your local elected officials generates your tax rate.

Phone: 518-384-2445

The ice rink offers a wide range of recreational skating, ice hockey and figure skating programs for all ages. The ice rink is the home of Schenectady Youth Hockey Association, GMSVS Storm High School Hockey, Burnt Hills/Ballston Spa High School Hockey and numerous Adult Ice Hockey Leagues.

Phone: (518) 388-4230

The Assigned Counsel’s office ensures justice for clients who cannot afford to retain an attorney in criminal defense or family law matters.  The Office administers the assignment of private attorneys to clients when a conflict exists with the Public Defender’s Office and/or the Conflict Defender’s Office. Eligibility for an Assigned Counsel is based upon Federal Poverty Guidelines with some court discretion.

Phone: 518-388-4400

Schenectady County Cares is a one-stop-shop for residents and families to connect with the services they need and depend on.

Phone: (518) 344-2737

Schenectady County Connects is the workforce entity that encompasses Schenectady County Job Training Agency (SJTA) and the New York State Department of Labor One-Stop Career Center/American Job Center which provide universal access to the community to promote self-sustainability and economic growth through a skilled, quality workforce.

Phone: (518) 388-4300

The mission of the Schenectady County Sheriff’s Office shall be the protection and preservation of the rights, lives and properties of all persons, through the fair and impartial enforcement of the law, regardless of such person’s race, creed, color, ethnicity or social standing. The Department will operate with total transparency while receptive to the voices of the community and our officers.

The Sheriff is the highest ranking law enforcement officer in the county and, in many counties of the state, the Sheriff is also the principal source of police protection.

Phone: (518) 382-8481

Schenectady County Department of Senior and Long Term Care Services promotes the long term health and wellbeing of Schenectady County residents and assure that they receive the necessary community based services that they are entitled to in order to remain safely in the community. 

Phone: (518) 388-4300

The history of the Office of Sheriff is unparalleled by any other modern governmental office, having recently celebrated its 1,000th anniversary worldwide. And the tradition of the Office of Sheriff is as rich in this country as it is anywhere in the world. Sheriffs played a vital role in the development of this nation during its colonial days and in its infancy as an autonomous republic. In New York State, the Office of Sheriff was provided for in the state's first constitution in 1777, and has existed as a continuous protector of the public good ever since.

Phone: (518) 388-4470

The Department’s primary responsibility in the community is to improve the lives of citizens in need of assistance and special services. The foundation of the DSS activities are driven by the landmark changes in the federal law commonly referred to as “Welfare Reform”. The mission of SCDSS is grounded in the value that all people want to be self-reliant and take pride in their accomplishments.  We believe that our mission can be realized when we help public assistance customers and potential customers gain self-sufficiency through gainful employment, securing support for children and engagement in support services that remove barriers to independence.

Phone: (518) 399-6980

The Schenectady County Conservation District provides environmental services and technical assistance for County residents. Services include conservation technical assistance, conservation education, information regarding soils, composting, parks and preserves, wildlife habitat, forestry, land reclamation, Erosion & Sediment Control Plan review, engineering assistance, grant application assistance, planning assistance, and agricultural assessment services. In addition, the District cooperates with 8 municipalities, 10 county agencies/departments and 9 New York State agencies on an annual basis.

Phone: (518) 388-4603

Schenectady County is a great place to live, work, and play! Schenectady County has so much to offer, from the hustle and bustle of downtown Schenectady and Mohawk Harbor to the historical landmarks, country farms, hiking trails, and scenic parks. It is rapidly becoming an arts & entertainment destination and a unique place to visit. The Schenectady County Legislature's Office of Special Events hosts a series of signature events each year that showcase's the County's recreational areas and other community assets. Special events include the region's biggest summer block party and one of the largest nighttime holiday parades in the Northeast. 

Phone: (518) 630-0911 (non-emergency)

The Schenectady County Unified Communications Center serves as a centralized emergency and public safety dispatch center. Schenectady County operates the Unified Communications Center for the purpose of call answering and dispatching appropriate service entities for public safety and emergencies in the City of Schenectady and the Towns of Niskayuna, Glenville (including the Village of Scotia), Rotterdam, Duanesburg (including the village of Delanson) and Princetown. The Schenectady County Unified Communications Center is the result of a 20 year shared services agreement between the County, City, and State which was executed in September, 2012 and was completed in May, 2014.

Phone: (518) 377-2423

The Schenectady County Veterans Service Agency is here to serve you. We will advise you on all of the benefits available to you, based upon your service. We will also assist you in applying for those benefits and in responding to all queries regarding your applications until the process is complete.  It is our sincere desire to safeguard the rights and benefits that you all have so nobly earned.

Phone: (518) 344-2737

The purpose of the Schenectady County Youth Bureau is to enrich and empower youth ages 0-21 of Schenectady County through positive youth development programming.  By fostering collaboration between local organizations and assessing the needs of the community, the Youth Bureau promotes the mental and physical well-being of, not only at-risk youth, but also the overall youth population.

In 2020, Schenectady County Connects was formed and merged the services of the Schenectady County Job Training Agency and Youth Bureau.  Schenectady County Connects provides universal access to the community to promote self-sustainability and economic growth through a skilled, quality workforce and partners with local agencies to ensure that tomorrow’s workforce has the supports and programming needed to thrive.