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CODE BLUE: Schenectady County has declared Code Blue in effect Friday, March 21, 2025,  through Monday, March 24, 2025, at 7:00 am, as temperatures are forecasted below freezing. View Code Blue Shelters

Engineering & Public Works

Department of Engineering

The mission of the Schenectady County Department of Engineering is to provide the highest quality engineering, survey, technical, and construction project management services to county government at the lowest possible cost.

The County Charter establishes a Department of Engineering and assigns the duties of surveys, design and structural engineering on the County Highway system. The Charter also assigns the engineering director to furnish engineering and other services as assigned by the County Manager.

Primary areas of responsibility include:

Highway Maintenance & Construction: County Engineers work with the Public Works Department on capital construction including highway reconstruction as well as bridge and culvert replacement. Activities include the survey/layout, design, contract bidding, contract inspection, and project development.  Traffic & Transportation Analysis: Review and permitting of land/utility development activities along the County Highway System.


The productivity and effectiveness of the department reflects the skills, experience and training of the engineering staff. The Director and Senior Civil Engineer are both NYS licensed professional engineers with broad engineering experience. Staff is committed to quality design and to getting projects completed successfully and within budget. 

  • Health Department Administration: Provide the Environmental Health Department professional engineering assistance and plan review. Law requires a NYS licensed engineer for plan review or for technical consultation by Environmental Health staff.
  • Recreation Improvements including the design and construction administration for capital improvements such as the Mohawk Bike-Hike Trail expansion and rehabilitation 
  • Environmental engineering and analysis: Data collection for the multi-year MS-4 permit required by NYSDEC for storm sewer operation and enforcement at urbanized areas in cooperation with the Planning Department and municipalities. 
  • Aviation Engineering and support at the Schenectady County Airport including implementation of Federal Aviation Administration grants and operational directives.

Paving Crew working on road

Department of Public Works

The mission of the Schenectady County Department of Public Works is to provide for safe, efficient, and responsive County highway system, automotive fleet, recreational areas, and administration of the Airport and Public Facilities. 

The Department of Public Works implements the construction, improvements, maintenance, repair, and lighting of all highways, roads, bridges, and structures, under the jurisdictions of the County. 

The Department of Public Works is also responsible for the maintenance of equipment and vehicles for the County and City fleet vehicles.

Administrative support is provided to the Office of Facilities, as well as the Office of Parks and the County Airport.

The Department also facilitates the Intermunicipal Highway Shared Services program. Snow and ice control is managed on 716 lane miles of County, State and Town highways throughout Schenectady County. 

2021 Schenectady County Hazard Mitigation Plan

The 2021 Schenectady County Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP) is an update to the 2016 Schenectady County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan. The update represents Schenectady County’s approach to mitigating the adverse effects of emergencies and disasters caused by natural hazards that may occur within the borders of Schenectady County, and to coordinate efforts with New York State.

Click here for the updated Plan. 

Any comments please email at Schenectady County Engineering.

Current Projects

The I-890 Exit 4C Planning and Environmental Linkages (PEL) Study

Project Purpose

The PEL Study will develop a vision for the Study Area through a data-driven and public engagement-focused process that will seek to improve mobility and quality of life for those who live, work, study, and travel through the area. The Study will identify and evaluate the engineering feasibility and environmental impact of various transportation alternatives for improving traffic flow and safety at I-890 Exit 4C, Washington Avenue and State Street.

Public Meeting - Meeting Notice

Schenectady County has announced the public informational meeting is rescheduled to Wednesday, May 15, 2024, 6:00pm to 8:00pm at the SUNY Schenectady Main Campus Stockade Building Lecture Room 101, located at 78 Washington Avenue, Schenectady, NY 12305. View Campus Map

Project Comment Form

Provide Comments

Grand Boulevard Pavement Preservation & Bicycle Improvement Project

Project Summary

Schenectady County received federal funds under the Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG). The federal funds are administered by the New York State Department of Transportation.

The proposed project improvements are on Grand Boulevard (County Route 23) between Van Antwerp Road to Keyes Avenue, totaling approximately 0.5 miles. Grand Boulevard (County Route 23)  is a heavily used corridor that serves residents and commuters alike.  This corridor provides several important connections to the surrounding community including Van Antwerp Middle School, Hillside Elementary School, Schenectady High School, Ellis Hospital, and several businesses/residential neighborhoods in the surrounding area. Schenectady County recognizes the importance of considering all modes of transportation and ensuring that county-owned roads are designed to enable safe, attractive, and comfortable access for users of all ages and abilities. Grand Boulevard currently lacks proper pedestrian and bicycle facilities, and this project proposes improvements to better accommodate these modes of non-motorized transportation. This project also proposes improvements for motorized modes of transportation by improving the rideability of the roadway and extending the life of the asphalt using pavement preservation techniques. 

A public information meeting will be held on January 10th at 7pm at Van Antwerp Middle School, located at 2253 Story Avenue, Niskayuna NY 12309.

Your Feedback is Important to Us!

Please complete a brief online survey here:

Rosendale Road & Old River Road Intersection Improvement Project - Public Information Meeting

Public Information Meeting

The Schenectady County Department of Engineering and Public Works held a virtual public information meeting on February 11, 2021 at 6pm to discuss a proposed highway improvement project at the intersection of Rosendale Road and Old River Road in the Town of Niskayuna.

The County is sponsoring the project to enhance transportation safety in the area, while reducing traffic delays and improving traffic flow through this intersection. All suggestions or comments provided will be considered by the project team as the project is progressed. Project construction is scheduled for 2022. The project is funded through the Federal Highway Administration, the New York State Department of Transportation and Schenectady County.

Meeting information:

Date: February 11, 2021

Time: 6pm

View a recording of the meeting:

Click here to view the presentation 

Submit Comments

For further information or to provide comments on the project please contact Paul Sheldon, Director of the Bureau of Engineering, Schenectady County Department of Engineering and Public Works, 100 Kellar Avenue, Schenectady NY 12306. All comments must be received by March 12, 2021. Persons who have special communication needs may contact Paul Sheldon at least 2 working days prior to the meeting so appropriate arrangements can be made.

Click here to download a mail-in comment form

Highway Improvement Program

Schenectady County today announced that the County’s 2019 Highway Improvement Program is underway and includes regular preventative maintenance with 24.35 miles of newly paved roads in the towns.  In total, nearly $4 million will be invested into the county highway system from federal, state and county funds.

“Schenectady County is proud to be a leader in the maintenance of roads and bridges in our towns ,” said Anthony Jasenski, Chair of the Schenectady County Legislature.  “We do not wait for our roads to be in total disrepair.  We have a long-term plan that focuses on prevention and maintenance that improves safety and results in long-term cost savings for our County Residents.”

Paving projects are now underway or will begin this summer in the Towns of Glenville (10.64 miles) and Duanesburg and Princetown (13.71 miles):

Town of Glenville:       Gleason Road, Baldwin Road, High Mills Road, Lake Hill Road, North Road, Van Vorst Road

Town of Duanesburg: Knight Road, Dennison Road, Scotch Ridge Road, Sterling Road

Town of Princetown:   Parkers Corners Road, Sterling Road

Additional improvement projects include the River Road/Rosendale Roundabout and Sunnyside Road Preservation.

“We realize there will be temporary inconveniences for our residents and drivers while these projects are underway, but we know that the long-term gains will be worth the short-term disruptions and appreciate motorist’s patience,” continued Chair Jasenski.

Stormwater Management Program

Significant improvements have been achieved in controlling pollutants that are discharged from sewage and wastewater treatment plants. Across the nation, attention is being shifted to other sources of pollution such as stormwater runoff. Stormwater management, especially in urban areas, is becoming a necessary step in seeking further reductions in pollution in our waterways and presents new challenges. 

Stormwater runoff normally cannot be treated in the same way as accomplished by sewage and wastewater treatment plants. More often than not, end-of-pipe controls are not the best answer for removing pollutants from stormwater runoff. Pollutants in runoff enter our waterways in numerous ways and the best way of control is usually at the pollutant's source. Sometimes, significant improvements can be made by employing best management practices, or "BMPs". Proper storage of chemicals, good housekeeping and just plain paying attention to what's happening during runoff events can lead to relatively inexpensive ways of preventing pollutants from getting into the runoff in the first place and then our waterways.

The EPA and the NYSDEC are increasing their attention in several ways. A federal regulation, commonly known as Stormwater Phase II, requires permits for stormwater discharges from Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) in urbanized areas and for construction activities disturbing one or more acres. To implement the law, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation has issued two general permits, one for MS4s in urbanized areas and one for construction activities. The permits are part of the State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES).Schenectady County, City of Schenectady, Village of Scotia, Towns of Glenville, Niskayuna, Princetown, and Rotterdam, are participating in the Stormwater Phase II Program.