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CODE BLUE: Schenectady County has declared Code Blue in effect Monday, March 24, 2025,  through Thursday, March 27, 2025, at 7:00 am, as temperatures are forecasted below freezing. View Code Blue Shelters

Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children-WIC

Outline of New York State with the text New York State WIC Program

The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children- better know as the WIC program - serves to safeguard the health of low income pregnant, postpartum, and breastfeeding women, infants, and children up to age 5 who are nutritionally at risk. WIC also helps foster parents, fathers, legal guardians, and grandparents of children under the age of 5. 

Schenectady County recognizes that communities are healthier and stronger when all mothers, young children and families have access to nutritious food.


What does WIC Provide?

face of a young child eating healthy food

WIC provides nutritious foods to supplement diets, information on healthy eating, breastfeeding promotion and support, and referrals to health care at time most critical to a child's growth and development. 

WIC provides monthly benefits for nutritious foods:

Milk, cheese, cereal, vegetables, fruits, 100% juice, whole grain products, formula, eggs, baby food, and more!

View WIC Eligible Foods
WIC at the Farmers Market
Additional WIC Services Include:
Nutrition Assessments
Nutrition Education
Peer-to-Peer Breast Feeding Support
Breast Pumps
Certified Lactation Counselors
WIC Farmers' Market Nutrition Program
Health Care Referrals

Am I eligible? 

Before applying for the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children find out if you qualify.

Applicants Must Be:

  • New York State Resident


  • Pregnant woman of any age
  • Postpartum woman (up to six months after birth or end of the pregnancy)
  • Breastfeeding woman (up to infants 1st birthday)
  • Children from birth up to 5 years of age
  • Parent, foster parent, or caregivers of infants and children up to age 5


  • Meet the income guidelines. If you receive SNAP, Medicaid, and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, you are automatically income eligible. 


Use The WIC Pre-Screening Tool

 Important information for current WIC Participants

Shopping with eWIC
Shopping with eWIC
Shopping with eWIC




Watch the video, NYS WIC a New Way to Shop: 
Also available in: 

Download the WIC2Go App or take advantage of WIC Connect

WIC2Go and WIC Connects are free resources available to New York State WIC Participants.

They can help you: 

  • Check the dates and times of your WIC appointments 

  • Check your current month’s benefit balance and expiration date 

  • Locate WIC clinics 

  • Locate WIC stores 

WIC2G0 Mobile App
WIC Connects

Schedule an Appointment



In Person

650 Franklin Street, Suite 200
Schenectady, NY 12305

Hours of Operation

Mon. & Fri. | 8:30am - 4:30pm
Tue., Wed., & Thurs. | 8:30am - 6:00pm

USDA Non-Discrimination Statement

In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity.  Read More