Before working on your float or planning your parade entry, you must sign up for the parade by completing the online application.
The application only takes a few minutes to complete. Parade participants must also complete two supplemental forms before the parade. The supplemental forms give organizers important entry details and information for the grant stand. It helps make the event a smooth and enjoyable experience for all participants.
Use your email and create a secure password. For primary town, type Schenectady County.
Complete the Holiday Parade Entry Application and submit payment before the deadline. Applicaitons are due October 23, 2024.
You will receive an email request to resubmit your application with details about your entry. Supplemental forms are due November 4, 2024.
Create your SDL Account or sign in with your existing account. Complete the first section of the application, Parade Entry Application. The second section, Parade Entry Detail Supplemental, is Due November 4, 2024.
Are you having trouble creating an SDL Account or submitting your parade application?
Contact Justin at 518-388-4539.