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CODE BLUE: Schenectady County has declared Code Blue in effect as temperatures are forecasted below freezing. View Code Blue Shelters

Volunteer with your Local Fire Department

Volunteer firefighters and EMT's are part of a tradition and legacy of neighbors helping neighbors. When you are part of the volunteer fire service, you help protect the lives and property of your family, friends, and neighbors. Whether you're on the fireground, at the scene of an accident, or at the station, there are plenty of ways you can volunteer with your local fire department. 

There will always be a need for people who care, who help, and who heal. Will you answer the call?

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Ways to Volunteer

Not all volunteer firefighters enter a burning building.  Your volunteer fire department provides emergency medical services and answers lifesaving calls in your neighborhood. There are many ways to support your neighborhood fire department. 


Work on a team to protect life and property by using your training to fight fires of all kinds inside or out.

EMT/Certified First Responder

Save lives by providing critical first aid and basic life support at the scene of an emergency.

Fire Police

Secure the emergency scene to ensure safety as well as provide traffic and crowd control.

Scene Support

Provide support on scene. Distribute essential supplies and assist with setting up equipment. 

Answer the Call!

Most Schenectady County residents rely on their local volunteer fire department in times of crisis, and our county's volunteer firefighters are always there to help. Whether you're fighting a fire, responding to the scene of an accident, or helping your community through a state of emergency, you can make a difference.

When you join the volunteer fire service you save lives, help others, learn new skills, and become a leader in your community.

Volunteer firefighters and EMT's are the primary emergency responders for most neighborhoods in Schenectady County. Volunteers respond to fire alarms, rescue, and medical calls at different levels. Local firefighters also help their communities through environmental and natural disasters. In addition to responding to emergency calls, volunteer firefighters help pump water from flooded basements, check smoke detectors, and respond to Carbon Monoxide & natural gas leaks. Not all volunteers fight fires, some departments need volunteers to respond to emergency medical calls, provide on-scene support, or protect firefighters and equipment operating at the emergency scene. Volunteer firefighters host community events and teach their neighbors about fire safety and how to be prepared during an emergency. 

Volunteer firefighters and EMT's are part of a unique team and family that is a core of the community. Your neighborhood needs your help.  It's best to volunteer with a department that serves your neighborhood. Many towns have multiple departments that are designed to meet the needs of your community. We encourage you to reach out to your local fire department and learn more about the different volunteer roles they offer.

Here is a complete list of Fire Departments in Schenectady County

City of Schenectady

Town of Duanesburg

Town of Glenville

Town of Niskayuna

Town of Rotterdam

Village of Scotia

Contact your local fire department, ask questions, and talk with your family about answering the call to become a volunteer firefighter, EMT, or certified first responder. It is a rewarding commitment.  Most departments require you to:

  1. Fill out an application
  2. Interview with members of the fire department
  3. Undergo a basic background check. 

Fill out the Schenectady County Volunteer Firefighter Interest Form and we will forward your information to your neighborhood's fire chief. Once you are accepted into the volunteer fire service your department will provide you with all the professional training and equipment you need to be a safe and successful. 

Sign Up to Learn More

What benefits are available to volunteer firefighters and EMT's?

Volunteering with your local fire department is the ultimate form of community service.  Beyond the satisfaction of helping your neighbors and saving lives, the volunteer fire service offers a host of tangible benefits. Local fire departments provide ongoing training, equipment, and other local benefits to their volunteer firefighters. Some fire districts offer service pensions.  Check with your local fire department for a list of benefits offered to volunteer firefighters.

All firefighters, whether they're career or volunteer, follow the same standards. You'll receive free professional training in basic exterior firefighting with the option to become a trained interior firefighter. Your department and Schenectady County provide free educational opportunities to enhance your knowledge and experience in firefighting and emergency medical services. Most importantly, you'll learn real-world leadership skills that easily transfer into your career.

If you are interested in becoming an EMT or Certified First Responder, a support volunteer, or member of the Fire Police, contact your local department for training requirements and expectations. 

Length of Service Award Program,  in general, it is a plan that provides payment to an individual who performs certain qualified services. Those qualified services are firefighting and fire prevention services, emergency medical services, and ambulance services. Most LOSAPs are designed like simple retirement plans, where the benefits become payable at a certain age, but a LOSAP could be designed to pay benefits after a certain length of time, regardless of age.

Volunteer fire service members and ambulance workers can apply for a county property tax exemption for 10% of the total value of their primary residence. Volunteers with a minimum of 2 years of service can download the form online and file it with their local tax assessor. 

Learn more

The Fire Association of the State of New York  (FASNY) developed "FASNY HELP." Through FASNY HELP, student-volunteers are eligible to have up to 100% of their tuition reimbursed in exchange for maintaining defined grades and fulfilling established service requirements in one of New York's volunteer companies.  A single semester tuition award does not exceed $1500. There is no restriction on the type of academic course(s) the student-volunteer can pursue.  Student volunteers must be an active volunteer firefighter in good standing and re-apply each semester.

Schenectady County offers free books for Emergency Medical Technician and Certified First Responder courses at SUNY Schenectady.

Schenectady County recognizes Volunteer Firefighters and EMS personnel each year with awards for dedicated service to the county and its fire department.  


Volunteer Firefighters in Schenectady County enjoy free access to the county Compost and Resident Recycling Facility located on Hetcheltown Road in the Town of Glenville. 

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