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Schenectady County Legislature’s Real Property Tax Rebate Bill Signed into Law

Schenectady County Seal

Establishes the 2023 Schenectady County Homeowners $250 Rebate Program

The Schenectady County Legislature announced that Governor Hochul signed S5607-A into law, which allows the county to enact the 2023 Schenectady County Homeowners $250 Rebate Program.

The 2023 Schenectady County Homeowners $250 Rebate Program was included in the Majority Caucus’ amendments to the 2023 Adopted Operating Budget to provide $9 million in relief to approximately 34,500 homeowners. In the amendment the Legislature directed the County Manager to take the steps necessary to establish the rebate program, including requesting state authorization. The county submitted a home rule message to request enactment of the bill, which was introduced by Neil Breslin in the State Senate and Angelo Santabarbara in the State Assembly. The bill was passed by the state legislature earlier this year and signed into law on Friday, September 22.

“Record inflation has driven up grocery, housing, and fuel prices over the last two years, making it harder for families and seniors to make ends meet,” said Anthony Jasenski, Chair of the Schenectady County Legislature. “Our efforts to manage resources in a fiscally responsible way has allowed us to hold the line on taxes over the last seven years while providing the services our community needs and deserves. This property tax rebate delivers additional relief directly to our residents while we continue to navigate the economic challenges caused by the pandemic.”

Now that the bill has been signed by Governor Hochul, the County can begin to process the rebate checks. Schenectady County homeowners who lived in the County and qualified for the STAR program as of December 31, 2022, and whose properties are in good standing, will receive a check from the County for $250.

"During the legislative session, I introduced this bill and worked to get it passed because I know how important it is to support local families in my Assembly District as we continue to deal with inflation, rising costs and the lingering effects of the pandemic,” said Assemblyman Angelo Santabarbara. “Simply put, this bill puts money back in the pockets of hardworking families. These rebate checks will provide homeowners with some much-needed relief.”

NYSAC Executive Director Stephen Acquario said, "I congratulate Schenectady County Lawmakers for initiating the first in the state county taxpayer assistance program and Assemblyman Santabarbara, Senator Breslin and Governor Hochul for their support of this initiative. This legislation allows the county to provide property taxpayers with direct rebate checks, lowering costs and making NYS more affordable."