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CODE BLUE: Schenectady County has declared Code Blue in effect from Monday, February 10th, through Friday, February 14th at 7:00 am, as temperatures are forecasted below freezing.   View Code Blue Shelters

Schenectady County Legislature Announces: Over $6.8 Million in Homeowners Rebates Delivered

2023 Schenectady County Homeowner's $250 Rebate Program

The Schenectady County Legislature announced that over 27,000 eligible Schenectady County homeowners have received and deposited their 2023 Schenectady County Homeowners $250 Rebate Program checks since the beginning of October. Homeowners who lived in the County and qualified for the STAR program as of December 31, 2022, and whose properties are in good standing, were sent a check from the County for $250.

The 2023 Schenectady County Homeowners $250 Rebate Program was included in the Majority Caucus’ amendments to the 2023 Adopted Operating Budget to provide $9 million in relief to over 35,000 homeowners. In the amendment the Legislature directed the County Manager to take the steps necessary to establish the rebate program, including requesting state authorization. The county submitted a home rule message to request enactment of the bill, which was introduced by Neil Breslin in the State Senate and Angelo Santabarbara in the State Assembly. The bill was passed by the state legislature earlier this year and signed into law on September 22, 2023.

“We’re thrilled to announce that we’ve successfully provided over $6.8 million in property tax rebates to homeowners to deliver some much-needed relief,” said Anthony Jasenski, Chair of the Schenectady County Legislature. “If you believe you qualify but haven’t received a check, or if there’s an issue with the check you received, please get in touch. We’re dedicated to addressing all inquiries as promptly as possible and ensuring that every qualifying household benefits from this program.”

More detailed information about the 2023 Schenectady County Homeowners $250 Rebate Program, including frequently asked questions, is available at

The County urges homeowners who have encountered any issues with the check they received, or  who believe they are eligible for the program, but have not received a check in the mail yet to submit an inquiry online or by calling (518) 388-4294. Those who have already reached out are asked to be patient as County staff works to address all inquiries.

2024 Budget

Earlier this month the Schenectady County Legislature passed the 2024 Operating Budget and 2024-2029 Capital Investment Program. The budget includes a property tax levy of $71,086,466, which represents a zero percent increase from the 2023 Adopted Operating Budget. Since 2017, the average increase in the County’s tax levy is zero percent, which has saved taxpayers $56 million over the same period, had the levy increased by the maximum allowed under the State Property Tax Cap.