Voters Urged to Call Board of Elections With Any Issues or Concerns
The Schenectady County Board of Elections (SCBOE) announced that it will begin posting Election Day results starting around 9:30pm on Tuesday, November 8, 2022. The results will be uploaded as they are available, to view click the Live Election Results link on www.schenectadycounty.com/boe. Results reported will include votes cast in-person during Early Voting and on Election Day.
“Every year we have a few voters contact us after Election Day, when it’s too late to help them,” said Board of Elections Commissioners Amy Hild and Darlene Harris. “If you have any questions or concerns about voting, please call us at the Board of Elections as soon as possible, so we can assist you. Every vote matters.”
Voting In-Person on Election Day
Voters who plan to vote in person on Election Day can look up their polling location at https://voterlookup.elections.ny.gov/. Polls are open from 6am to 9pm on Election Day. Voters must arrive at the poll site by 9pm to cast a ballot.
Absentee Ballots
Absentee ballots can be:
- Returned in person to the Board of Elections by 9pm on Election Day;
- Dropped off at any Schenectady County polling site by 9pm on Election Day; or
- Postmarked no later than November 8, 2022.
If you need any other type of assistance, please call the Board of Elections at (518) 377-2469 as soon as possible.