Early Voting for the 2022 General Election Begins on Saturday
The Schenectady County Board of Elections (SCBOE) would like to remind voters that they can vote in-person before General Election Day at designated voting sites in Schenectady County. Early Voting for the General Election will begin Saturday, October 29, 2022 and run through Sunday, November 6, 2022.
Early Voting is the same as voting on Election Day. When you arrive at an Early Voting location, you will check in, receive a ballot, and vote. Instructions will be available at the Early Voting sites, and sample ballots are available at www.schenectadycouny.com/boe. If you vote during the Early voting period, you are not eligible to vote on Election Day, which is November 8, 2022.
SCBOE is partnering with CDTA to provide additional transportation options to connect the community with the Hon. Karen B. Johnson Library early voting site.
“Early Voting is a convenient way for residents to vote before Election Day, when lines tend to be longer,” said Board of Elections Commissioners Amy Hild and Darlene Harris. “Registered Schenectady County voters are able to cast their ballot at any of the four designated Early Voting polling sites located throughout the county, when it’s most convenient for them.”
All eligible voters can vote at any of the early voting locations within the County. In Schenectady County, Early Voting locations are:
Hon. Karen B. Johnson Library Glenville Senior Center
Central Branch, 99 Clinton Street 32 Worden Road
Schenectady, NY 12305 Glenville, NY 12302
Niskayuna Town Hall South Schenectady Fire Department
1 Niskayuna Circle 6 Old Mariaville Road
Niskayuna, NY 12309 Rotterdam, NY 12306
Early Voting hours for the 2020 General Election are:
Saturday, October 29 from 9am to 5pm
Sunday, October 30 from 9m to 5pm
Monday, October 31 from 12pm to 8pm
Tuesday, November 1 from 9am to 5pm
Wednesday, November 2, from 12pm to 8pm
Thursday, November 3 from 9am to 5pm
Friday, November 4 from 9am to 5pm
Saturday, November 5 from 9am to 5pm
Sunday, November 6 from 9am to 5pm
General Election Day is Tuesday, November 8, 2022. Polling sites will be open from 6am to 9pm.
Trolley Transportation
CDTA is offering trolley service to the Hon. Karen B. Johnson Library to make all early voting sites easily accessible by bus. A trolley will circulate to the bus stops along Union Street, Nott Terrace, State Street and Clinton Street for drop-off at the library. This service will run from Saturday, October 29 through Sunday, November 6. Trolley hours will be Saturday and Sunday from 9am to 5pm, Monday and Wednesday from 12pm to 8pm, and Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 9am to 5pm.
Absentee Ballot Drop-Off
Absentee Ballot Drop Boxes will be available at every Early Voting and Election Day Poll Site and at the Board of Elections office, during operational hours.
The Board of Elections has extended hours for in person voting at 2696 Hamburg Street:
Tuesday, October 25, 2022 – 9am to 7pm
Thursday, October 27, 2022 – 9am to 7pm
Saturday, October 29, 2022 – 9am to 12pm
Monday, October 31, 2022 – 9am to 7pm
Wednesday, November 2, 2022 – 9am to 7pm
Saturday, November 5, 2021 – 9am to 12pm
Voters who have questions about absentee ballots, Early Voting, Election Day voting or any other election-related questions can call the Schenectady County Board of Elections at (518) 377-2469 or email BOE@schenectadycounty.com for assistance.