Assistance Also Available for Newly Announced Landlord Rental Assistance Program (LRAP)
Schenectady County is hosting an event for landlords and tenants who need assistance applying for New York State’s Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) or Landlord Rental Assistance Program (LRAP) through the Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance’s (OTDA) online portal.
Emergency rental assistance is available through ERAP to assist households behind on their rent that have experienced financial hardship, that are at risk of homelessness or housing instability and that earn at or below 80 percent of area median income (AMI).
ERAP requires tenant participation to qualify for the federal funding. LRAP was created by New York State to assist landlords whose tenants left the rental property before paying rent owed or those who chose not to participate in the ERAP program. Additional information about LRAP is available at www.otda.ny.gov/lrap.
“Many residents and families lost income during the pandemic, which has caused challenges for tenants and landlords,” said Schenectady County Legislator Sara Mae Pratt, Vice-Chair of the Committee on Health & Human Services. “We created this event to provide a space for landlords and tenants to apply for ERAP funding together, which has proven to help the process go more smoothly. Landlords without participating tenants can also receive assistance in filing for the newly announced LRAP state funding to recoup lost rental income.”
Income Qualifications for Rental Assistance in Schenectady County:
Income Qualifications for Schenectady County |
1 Person |
2 People |
3 People |
4 People |
5 People |
6 People |
50% AMI |
$28,100 |
$32,100 |
$36,100 |
$40,100 |
$43,350 |
$46,550 |
80% AMI |
$44,950 |
$51,350 |
$57,750 |
$64,150 |
$69,300 |
$74,450 |
7 People |
8 People |
9 People |
10 People |
11 People |
12 People |
50% AMI |
$49,750 |
$52,950 |
$56,150 |
$59,350 |
$62,550 |
$65,750 |
80% AMI |
$79,550 |
$84,700 |
$89,800 |
$94,950 |
$100,050 |
$105,200 |
The event will be held at the Honorable Karen B. Johnson (Central) Library’s McChesney room.
Date and time:
Saturday, October 16, 2021
Renters and landlords should bring the required documentation listed below to their appointment. To sign up for an appointment, call (518) 344-2794.
Applicants should bring all required documentation to the assistance sites listed above.
Renter applicants will need to provide:
- Personal identification for all household members;
- Social Security number of any household members who have been issued one:
- Proof of rental amount;
- Proof of residency and occupancy;
- Proof of Income to document income eligibility:
- Documents demonstrating monthly income; OR
- Documents demonstrating annual income for 2020.
- Copy of gas or electric utility bill, if applying for help paying for utility arrears at the same rental unit.
The Renter’s Checklist provides more detailed information.
Landlords and property owners will need to provide:
- Completed W-9 tax form;
- Executed lease with tenant applicant;
- Documentation of rent due from tenant;
- Banking information to receive direct deposit payment.
The Landlord’s Checklist provides more detailed information.
Additional Application Assistance*
Applicants who are unable to attend the event can receive in-person help from SCAP and staff at the Bethesda House. All sites are walk-in, no appointment needed.
Albany Street Site
913 Albany St.
Monday – Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm, open until 6:30pm on Wednesdays
(518) 374-9181
Ellis Site
600 McClellan St. (take a right down the hallway to the right of the reception desk)
Monday – Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm, open until 6:30pm on Wednesdays
(518) 347-5361
Mont Pleasant Branch Library Site (in the entryway)
1036 Crane St.
Tuesdays 1-4:30pm
(518) 419-9026
Hon. Karen B. Johnson (Central) Branch Library Site (in the entryway)
99 Clinton St.
Thursdays 1-4:30pm
(518) 419-9026
Bethesda House
834 State Street
Monday – Friday 8:15am to 6pm
Saturdays 9am to 2pm
(518) 374-7873
*Hours and locations are subject to change. Visit www.schenectadycounty.com/dss for the most up-to-date information.
Additional Information
For more information, visit www.otda.ny.gov/erap or www.otda.ny.gov/lrap or call (844) 691-7368.