Schenectady County will host 4 community COVID-19 vaccine PODs in February. All PODs are open to walk-ins, as available. While not required, appointments are available at www.schenectadycounty.com/COVID19/vaccine or by calling (518) 388-4355.
Schenectady County is also offering free COVID-19 testing for all County residents Monday-Friday from 9am to 2pm (closed on County holidays) at Ellis Medicine’s McClellan Street Health Center, which is located at 600 McClellan Street in Schenectady. The test site is run by Schenectady County Public Health Services in conjunction with Quadrant Bioscienes and appointments are available at www.schenectadycounty.com/COVID19 and walk-ins are welcome. Over 2,000 cheek swab tests have been conducted at the site since it first opened on January 4, 2022.
“Vaccines and access to testing are key components to keeping our friends and families safe as COVID-19 continues to affect our community,” said Anthony Jasenski, Chair of the Schenectady County Legislature. “We urge anyone who is eligible to receive a vaccine – including booster shots – to visit one of our community PODs, and also encourage residents who are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms or who may have been exposed to a positive person to get tested at our free clinic. Knowing your status can help slow the spread of the virus in our community.”
February POD Schedule
Proctors Key Hall
Sundays 10am-2pm (during the Schenectady Greenmarket)
432 State Street
SUNY Schenectady – Elston Hall
(2/21 moved to 2/22)
Mondays 5-7pm
78 Washington Ave.
Boys & Girls Club
Tuesday 2/1 and 2/8 3:30-6:30pm
104 Education Drive
Thursday 2/3 9am-12pm
Tuesdays 1-4pm (starting on 2/8)
837 Albany Street