County Estimated to Save Over $100,000 Annually from LED Conversion Projects
Schenectady County announced the completion of a project to convert 348 streetlights, mainly on county roads, from high intensity discharge lamps (HID) to light emitting diode lights (LED). The project cost $23,465 and the county anticipates receiving an energy efficiency incentive of over $25,000 from National Grid to offset the cost.
Converting to LED lights is expected to save county taxpayers over $37,000 annually and reduce energy consumption equal to the amount of greenhouse gas emitted by driving over 413,000 miles in an average gasoline-powered car.
“Upgrading to LED lights is a smart investment for taxpayers and the planet,” said Anthony Jasenski, Chair of the Schenectady County Legislature. “By switching to LED lights we’re significantly reducing our energy consumption, cutting costs, and minimizing our impact on the environment, at no cost to taxpayers.
Schenectady County converted the lighting in 13 county buildings to LED lights in 2022, reducing energy consumption by approximately 579,107kwh, and lowers emissions equivalent to those created by the consumption of 49,180 gallons of gasoline. The project is expected to save taxpayers over $65,000 annually.
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