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CODE BLUE: Schenectady County has declared Code Blue in effect Monday, March 24, 2025,  through Thursday, March 27, 2025, at 7:00 am, as temperatures are forecasted below freezing. View Code Blue Shelters


The Schenectady County Department of Corrections is a division of the Office of the Schenectady County Sheriff. 

Bail Procedures

To bail an inmate out of jail, you have a variety of options. Corrections division now takes cash, certified bank checks, and credit cards. You can make a payment in person, or electronically. 

Be advised, that by paying bail, you are ensuring that the inmate will return to court as scheduled. If this does not occur your bail may be forfeited.

The Schenectady County Correction Facility works with GovPayNet to allow remote bail service. Use of the GovPayNet service will include a FEE that will be added to all transactions. This fee is 7% of the bail amount. In order to pay bail on-line you will need to have the following information available:

1. Defendant's Name

2. Defendant's Date of Birth

3. Court of Jurisdiction and Name of Judge

4. Cash Bail Amount

This information can be obtained from the Corrections Division by calling-  (518) 388-4300

IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR THE CARD HOLDER: If you are using the remote bail option, the receipt for bail will be made out to the Defendant. This means that the funds (minus the service fee) being paid by way of your credit card WILL BECOME THE PROPERTY OF THE DEFENDANT.

All funds released by the court when the case is disposed of can only be collected by the Defendant. It will then be your responsibility to obtain the funds from the Defendant.

Once Schenectady County Sheriff's Office receives confirmation that the appropriate amount of money has been transferred to our account, Corrections staff will process a bail release for the Defendant and the Defendant will sign the bail receipt.

You will be assessed a fee consisting of 7% of the total bail amount. 

If you need technical support contact

1-877-EZBAIL5 to speak to a GovPayNet Specialist 

Inmate Accounts

Family and friends of inmates are able to deposit funds into inmate commissary accounts utilizing the Cobra Cashier Kiosk. The Kiosk is located in the main lobby of the correction facility, The Cobra Cashier Kiosk will accept Cash, Credit Cards, and Debit Cards. Transactions using the kiosk will immediately deposit the money into the inmate’s account avoiding delays during holidays or weekends and making the money readily available for commissary purchases.

The automated payment kiosk also accepts United States currency in 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100 US denominations. Deposits may be made twenty- four hours, seven days a week using the Kiosk. There is a $3.25 convenience fee for utilizing the Cobra Cashier Kiosk with cash and $4.95 for credit card transaction. The fee will be deducted from the amount deposited into the Inmate’s account.
Family and friends must know inmate’s (CHN) Criminal History Number or the Inmate's full Name and Date of Birth. Funds deposited will be immediately credited to the inmate’s account. A receipt will be issued from the Kiosk to the person depositing the funds. A receipt will be issued from the facility to the inmate.


Government Payment Services: 1-888-277-2535.  
Family and friends must know the inmate’s full Name and  (CHN) Criminal History Number. Pay Location Code (PLC) #is 5500 it is a unique number that ensures your payment is sent to the correct government agency and department.


Packages must be ordered and mailed into the facility from reputable stores. Personal package drop-off is not allowed. (No Uber, Spark, or anything like those deliveries will be accepted.) A list of authorized items is located below and in the Veeder Avenue lobby. Once the package is received, it will be searched solely for contraband, repackaged and labeled, and transported to the housing unit. This process should take no more than five (5) days, but may take longer under certain circumstances.


Amount  Allowable Items
7 Cotton Underwear (No Silk or silk-like)
7 Cotton T-shirts (white only, no designs)
2 Pairs of Long Johns (white only)
7 Bras, cotton (no underwire)
7 Pairs of socks (white only)
2 White or light grey sweatshirts (no hoods or zippers)
1 Pair prescription eyeglasses/soft eyeglass case
1 Set of Contact Lenses/contact lens case (soft)
1 Bottle of Contact Lens Solution (new)
2 Non-white towels (not to exceed 24"x48")
2 Non-white washcloths
2 Nightgowns or sleep shirts (no buttons or snaps)
1 Pair canvas sneakers (white only)
1 Small religious medallion (less than 1" in diameter, no more than $50 in value)
1 Book of worship (Bible, Torah, Quran, etc.)
6 Publications (newspapers, magazines, or soft-covered books; must come from publisher and/or have a subscription) (NO STAPLES)

"Note: Clothing items cannot be silk or silk-like, and cannot contain buttons, snaps, zippers, pockets, or visible logos/designs. All clothing tops (i.e. T-shirts, sweatshirts, sleep shirts, etc.) must be crew neck. No V-neck or tank tops are allowed.”


Contact visitation for the incarcerated population has resumed. All visitors are to have their temperature screened prior to entry. Any visitor with a fever will be denied entry into the facility. Each incarcerated individual may have up to three visitors at a time. 

Visiting rules have been developed to specify required conduct for inmates and visitors to the Schenectady County Correctional Facility. All inmates and visitors must become familiar with these rules. Visiting rules are to be posted in the facility's visitation area and are to be printed in English as well as Spanish. Also, visiting rules are to be provided in the inmate rules and regulation handbook.

Each inmate is entitled to TWO (2) visits each week as long as his/her conduct is being transported to and from the visiting room as well as his/her conduct in the visiting room warrants this right. Not complying with the strip search procedure immediately following visits is reasonable grounds for the suspension of visits. Naturally, contraband found on an inmate will result in the suspension of the specific visiting right. Contact visits will be permitted for all inmates eligible to receive visits in general. Inmates are to obtain prior approval from a supervisor if they wish to bring anything into the visiting room with them. Inmates will be responsible for letting their visitors know their visiting hours. Visits will be assigned according to scheduling. All schedules are subject to change with one week prior notice. A complete list of visiting rules, regulations and procedures is to be posted in the visiting area and in the inmate rules and regulations handbook. Visitation Schedule is to be posted in each housing unit.

Visitors please note: If you are concerned that the inmate you are visiting seems unusually agitated or depressed, please notify the officer in the information center before leaving.

HALT Statistics
Pursuant to section 7076.7 of the NYS Minimum Standards and Regulations of County Jails and Penitentiaries, Schenectady County Sheriff publishes the following HALT Report each month. 

View Report