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CODE BLUE: Schenectady County has declared Code Blue in effect Monday, March 24, 2025,  through Thursday, March 27, 2025, at 7:00 am, as temperatures are forecasted below freezing. View Code Blue Shelters

Homicide Bureau

No crime is more important to the mission of the Schenectady County District Attorney's Office than the death of a human being at the hands of another.  The loss of a loved one through violence is shattering to families, friends and loved ones, and to the neighborhoods and communities they were taken from.  We consider the pursuit of justice for murder victims and their bereaved to be our highest calling as prosecutors.  

In order to enhance our ability to achieve a just result, the Schenectady County District Attorney's Office has since the inception of DA Carney's tenure in 1990 offered our assistance to all of our police agencies during the investigation of homicide cases.  We have assisted in over 250 homicide cases, helped to craft search warrants, consulted in interviews of suspects, secured cooperation of witnesses, advised on identification procedures, and ultimately, assumed management of the case after arrest through disposition.

Schenectady County has employed a number of skilled trial attorneys over the years who have capably handled this most serious of cases.  Among these accomplished and now retired prosecutors are Alfred Chapleau, Alan Gebell, Gerald Dwyer, Edward Moynihan and Philip Mueller.  Not all members of the staff try homicide cases, but those lawyers who have demonstrated the skills and knowledge to handle such complex and important cases have taken them on.  These assignments are made by the District Attorney and the Homicide Bureau Chief.  The current Homicide Bureau Chief Christina Tremante was recognized with a statewide honor as the New York Prosecutor Training Institute Trial Lawyer of the Year in 2018 for her accomplishments in the courtroom, including three homicide trials in one year.  As a result of the efforts of all of these attorneys, the office has achieved an unparalleled record of success, including a near 100% conviction rate without any blemish of wrongful conviction or prosecutorial misconduct.  The office is vigilant about protecting the rights of those accused of crime and always being open to consideration of new or additional evidence that might shed a different light on a past prosecution or reveal an unjust result.


The District Attorney has pursued justice for victims in far too many homicides, but we have done so ethically, through hard work and by bringing all of the facts and evidence to the juries and judges, so that convictions through pleas or trial verdicts have resulted.  

Representative Cases:

People v. Tarchand Lall, Joevany Luna and Kyshaan Moore
Daily Gazette Article   Times Union Article

People v. Gloria Nelligan
YouTube Video   Daily Gazette Article

People v. Herman Robinson
Daily Gazette Article (1)    Daily Gazette Article (2)  

People v. Troy Saunders
Daily Gazette Article

People v. Raekwon Stover
News 10 Broadcast